OPM project
Muruna, Waldensian Church in support of our children
Food security is one of the main problems of those living in a spontaneous refugee camp, therefore not managed by UNHCR, Turkish civil protection or other NGOs. Procuring and distributing food is an urgent and complex task. Since 2014 we have been present along the Turkish-Syrian border, to support and assist over nine hundred families and hundreds of orphans fleeing the war. Their camp is our second home. We know every child and every person in the camp, their stories, their dreams. And above all their needs. This is why donating a food parcel means a lot to SSCh’s projects. It means giving comfort, hope and joy to those who have lost everything. Every month we provide over 900 food parcels, one for each family unit. The food parcels are ordered from Italy from local suppliers and then distributed personally by the SSCH team. What each package contains: 5 kg rice; 5 liters of oil; 3 kg pasta; 5 kg legumes; 1 large pack of shower gel; 3 bars of soap (hygiene products are considered luxury); 1 pack of tea; 1 pack of biscuits/sweets; 1 pack of 500g of mortadella (not pork). Con i fondi dell’Otto per Mille della Chiesa Valdese ci è stato possibile sostenere l’acquisto di ben 2000 pacchi oltre alla copertura delle spese generali relative, per un totale di 31.223,00 euro. L’importo è stato erogato all’interno del progetto “MURUNA: Protezione e rafforzamento della resilienza della popolazione siriana in stato di bisogno nel campo profughi di Tuzla (Turchia)”.
Project supported with eight per thousand funds from the Waldensian church