This mission really went very well, although the conditions were so difficult. The heat was so extreme that it was impossible to stay inside the tents. Many people are forced these days to sleep in the open to avoid the unbearable heat, and so the insects took over.

Despite these challenges, we completed all activities in a very welcoming and cooperative atmosphere from the community.

In the first three days, our efforts were focused at the refugee camp on the usual activities.

We distributed food parcels to the 900 assisted families, powdered milk to malnourished children and distance support vouchers for orphans and fragile families.

We visited the camp school and delivered colorful uniforms donated by a generous benefactor. The children were over the moon! and although the heat was unbearable, they shared a little show with us to show us what they had learned. As anticipated in the last communication, we have also distributed prizes to children with high school attendance during the last month: the incentive, despite the daily difficulties, has had the desired effect and these days the teacher will accompany them to choose their own item, a toy or an item they like, at a store located about an hour’s drive from the camp.

We visited the most fragile families we support closely, so as to strengthen ties and show that, for them, we are always there.

As is often the case, we were also invited to dinner by a local family, who welcomed us with great warmth and hospitality.

During the last of days, we realized an important “little dream”  that of Zahino and his family. Zahino, whose father and brother are disabled and his father was a tailor in Syria, had expressed a desire to start a tailor shop. With your support, we purchased an industrial sewing machine, a sewing cutter and other materials needed to start the business.

We also visited the already rented premises and prepared everything for the start of the business. It was a moving moment to see the joy and hope in the eyes of Zahino and his family.

Despite the difficulties and the long journey, we are filled with hope and gratitude for the change we helped bring about in these people’s lives.

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