This is the short story of our latest mission, a journey that, as always, shakes us to the core and from which we return each time full of emotions and rich in memories.

Leaving on June 2 from Italy, Arianna and Paolo Messina entered Syria, where they dedicated themselves completely for three days.
Accompanied by our local team coordinated by Bakri assisted by Zacaria, we visited the pediatric clinic in Al-Resala, the beating heart of our mission. It was exciting to see the incisive work of our two doctors and nurse, all coordinated with precision by Bakri.

The clinic, now expanded and operating like never before, has become a vital hub for the local community.
During our stay, we also witnessed the use of the medical car, which provides vital care to the surrounding camps three days a week, despite logistical challenges.

The clinic is one of the issues we will be focusing on most in the coming months. Its expansion is vital, not just necessary now. Of this we have precise awareness.

We visited our “little dreams” in the three camps in Jenderis and Qah, listening to their stories and considering how to continue supporting them in the near future.

At our Help Point, we offered vital assistance and support to a community in great need. Our presence elicited great confidence and continued requests for help, a testament to the relevance of our work on the ground.

From the fourth day, with the arrival of Anna Menghini, a doctor, and Pietro Setti, her assistant, we moved to the camp in Turkey, where the doctor conducted necessary medical care and monitored malnutrition in children, while Pietro provided valuable assistance at all levels.

Here we continued with our support activities, distributing medical care, food parcels to nearly 900 families and support to our 130 orphan households through the distribution of quarterly support vouchers.

There was no shortage of exciting connections between our Rainbow School Tent and Vivaldi Murialdo School in Turin, a moment of mutual enrichment that for the past four years has confirmed the importance of maintaining a constant and active relationship with peers from other countries.

Our engagement ended with a moment of relief and joy: we took a group of children to the beach, allowing them to experience a moment of lightheartedness and genuine joy.

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