We realized how much we missed the camp as soon as we arrived.
In January, in fact, we had stayed only one day and only by the most fragile families.
This mission, on the other hand, saw us 4 days engaged in support and supervision activities and they were intense days of work and emotions.
As only “our” camp can give us.
We have been supporting these families since 2013, this community that has been forming spontaneously from those fleeing the war and the terrible situation in Syria.
We have delivered food baskets for everyone and it is inconceivable how it still remains the primary need for these people. Eating, that matters more than air.
We have delivered the supports to orphans and fragile families, even with the backlog from the past months, and we have been to the market where they will be taken to verify supply, availability and to work out the details.
By now the family of the owner, a Syrian, knows and loves us. We were invited to dinner, a wonderful dinner as always, and they surrounded us with affection and sincere friendship.
The little babies received powdered milk, so many packages for so many babies.
We allocate the milk to babies from zero to three years old, very often the mother is unable to breastfeed them.
A line of young women, grandmothers or older sisters wait patiently for the nourishment that will cover a month of the little one’s needs.
We have been to our Rainbow Tent, where the teacher carries on the most difficult battle of the camp: getting them to school and making sure they stay, that they follow through consistently.
One group of about fifty children and kids never misses, but with the others there is a lot of struggle. This is normal in a context where children have to work from an early age.
The twinning connection with the Turin primary is always a much anticipated moment of pure joy and sharing.
All the most fragile families were visited, listened to and helped.
Our hearts are swollen with mixed emotions, as we always are.
We are suspended in this world that does not belong to us but is now almost home, permeating us and making us active spectators of a tragedy we are trying to contain.
Meanwhile, the team in Syria is moving on our directives to deliver milk to infants there as well; there are so many children who would not be able to survive if we did not bring it to them.
Deliver support for orphans, because in Syria, too, we are caring for more than a hundred families of orphans who were left without parents after the February 2023 earthquake. As if their existence spent entirely in war was not hard enough. Made up of fear, death and deprivation.
The clinic we run and support in Syria has grown: we have changed buildings and now the team consists of two doctors and a nurse. And, the real big news, is that we have equipped ourselves with a medical car to reach all those patients who cannot go to the medical center because they are distant or bedridden.
We are satisfied, we are small drops in a sea of need but we spend ourselves as much as we can and try to get to where we have set our sights: the children, the weakest, the invisible, the blameless victims of a conflict that, at the moment, is experiencing a cold lull in an area that is trying to recover but is still and frequently suffering attacks and where life has remained at the threshold of a humanitarian catastrophe.