Almost all of the donations we receive come from below, made possible by the credibility acquired mission after mission.

SSCh makes transparency a fundamental principle of its humanitarian activity.
It is a question of trust, a donor’s right to know and verify the good use of the financial support he donates to the organization.

For SSCh it is a duty to explain how, where and when the resources are used by documenting ‘step by step’ the missions, projects and aid provided to the beneficiaries of its action.

It does this through constant communication activity on social networks and through tools such as the website and periodic newsletters sent to those who decide to sign up to stay updated.

Finally, it makes the association’s institutional documents and annual economic reports available for consultation.

Bilancio consuntivo 2022

Rendiconto per cassa 2021

Rendiconto per cassa 2020


Atto costitutivo